If you're signed in with a different account, sign out of that and then sign in again with the correct Microsoft account. To download the offline installer, go to If you're not already signed in with the Microsoft account associated with your copy of Office do that now. Download the offline installer from your account portal No EULA to approve, pressing next a few time, etc. After that point you can move to the next machine. Run 'setup.exe /configure setup.xml' on the new machine and after that point you can walk away. Copy the entire folder including the setup.exe and your XML file to the machine you want to install to.

Once you have ran 'setup.exe /download setup.xml' ,where setup.xml is the name of whatever XML file you created, it will download all the required files into a subfolder called Office. Nobody should be deploying new machines with Skype for Business. I would also remove Skype for Business from your install as it is approaching end of life. I don't know if they have changed it recently but for a long time the sample files were still the 32-bit versions which I wouldn't recommend unless they have old legacy add-ins. I recommend just using to generate your own XML files instead. There is a setup.exe and several sample XML files for Office 2019, Office 365 for Business, and Office 365 for Enterprise. When you run file from the Office Deployment Tool page all it does is unzip to a folder that you choose.